Thursday, December 13, 2007


(December 12, 2007: Los Angeles, CA) Tonight, "The Twelve" took over Citizen Smith, the hot hang in the heart of Hollywood. No, we don't mean the Twelve Supreme Court justices (they may have been over at Government Smith, perhaps), nor the Twelve days of Christmas (which we love, of course, but that is not Gothic enough for this riddle). We mean the book party and signing for screenwriter/filmmaker Tom Kennedy and his new debut horror novel, THE TWELVE. Everyone in attendance was graciously gifted with a copy of "The Twelve" as well as a cookie version of the book. (You know, those special order shortbread confections that feature the cover of a book or other work of art using newfangled food technology, we love those!)

We are told that "The Twelve" involves the killing of Beverly Hills billionaires (which may have Rupert Murdoch sweating), and that the novel features a suspenseful Stephenkingesque style (an accolade bestowed by Kirkus Reviews), so we look forward to reading the book. Tom told The LA Report he uses "the same program coroners use" when writing his new tome -- "Via Voice" -- the advanced natural-language dictation software that can (very accurately) translate voice into text. Coroners use it since their hands are always busy, Tom explained, and this certainly makes sense. Tom uses it in order to keep the writing flowing freer than when one's hands are tied to a typewriter (ahem, I mean, computer keyboard).

Along with many photographers and other members of the media in attendance, the VIPs and celebrities at the party (including Patrika Darbo [Hatchet], Lorielle New and others) enjoyed fine red wine plus delicious passed appetizers served up by the Citizen Smith kitchen, such as lightly-fried chicken skewers, empanadas and homemade cookies. All in all, a very fun affair. (Note: no billionaires were harmed in the making of this story.)

The official website for "The Twelve" is: Inquiries regarding the book or author Tom Kennedy can be sent to Doris Bergman at The Berg Group: Citizen Smith is located at 1600 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood, CA, at the corner of Selma and Cahuenga.

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