Sunday, May 18, 2008


From Jeannine Frank's newsletter email:

Dear Parlor Performance Patrons, Friends & Family,

I hope you'll join me for two extraordinary nights of comedy, cabaret and solo theatre this coming Monday and Tuesday. I planned these evenings at the suggestion of some east coast performing arts presenters who promised to fly to LA if I put together my best line-up of artists whose work addresses the themes of Globalization, Immigration and Environment.

All the performers (and I as producer) are donating their time and talent, and all proceeds will be given to disaster relief organizations. You can come for any contribution -- $1 to $1,000! No questions asked, everything helps -- and the evening is always better when there's a full house!

We have 30 seats available for Monday and 50 for Tuesday -- each night is different! Please let your friends -- especially those who frequently entertain and/or plan fundraisers and special events. Take a look at the descriptions below -- I can't imagine you'd want to miss this!

Looking forward to seeing you at Steinway Hall,

Parlor Performances' Parlor-Palooza 2008 -- Mon. & Tues.!
8 Mini-performances nightly * Each night different!
Comedy, Cabaret, Solo Theatre & much more!
All profits to go to disaster relief organizations!

Jeannine Frank * (310) 476-6735 *
May 19,20: 7:30pm at Steinway Hall in West Los Angeles, below Fields Pianos.

Proceeds benefit disaster relief organizations! I'll have envelopes for Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF , Operation USA & Jewish World Watch -- you decide where your money goes! (Please pay cash for contibutions $20 or less - checks OK for $25 or more.)

Parlor Performances' Big Spring Showcases! 8 mini-performances nightly by comedians, cabaret artists, solo & historical shows -- all addressing themes of Immigration, Globalization & Environment!

Featured artists will include:

The Sultans of Satire (Mid-East comic relief!) - 3 different Sultans nightly!
"Sultans of Satire" features an impressive line-up of some of today's most talented comedians of Middle Eastern descent-more than a dozen men and women of Arab, Israeil, Iranian, Armenian, Greek & Turkish heritage. Sultans shows can range from 3 to 8 comedians.

World's wittiest bass player/songwriter/singer Jay Leonhart
"Add Jay Leonhart to the small, very exclusive list of jazz humorists... ...Oscar Brown Jr., Dave Frishberg and Bob Dorough..." Don Heckman, LA Times The show begins with Leonhart attempting to give the audience its bass lesson, but sensing that maybe the audience is not so devoted to bass viol studies, his "lesson" quickly and skillfully turns into a series of funny and touching songs and vignettes about life, with or without a bass in tow.

Award-winning monologist Jude Narita
Excerpts from Narita's award-winning dramatic and humorous one-woman plays about Asian and Asian American women celebrating our differences, while illuminating the universal similarities of us all. Narita's women are breaking stereotypes, creating true identity, surviving war, surviving internment, cherishing family, and holding onto their dreams for the future.

Social satirist Darryl Henriques
"Henriques reminds me of all three Marx Brothers rolled into one." LA Times ** "...Henriques is" amalgam of Lenny Bruce, Paul Krassner and Robin Williams: social commentary mixed with off-the-wall fantasies andphilosophical speculations, and a razor sharp wit." SF Chronicle

Brainy, Dry-witted stand-up Betsy Salkind
Comedian, writer & founding member of TERRORIST BRIDESMAIDS (4 comediennes determined to get a 2nd use out of those dresses), alumna of improv troup GUILTY CHILDREN, Salkind was staff writer for ROSEANNE and has appeared on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno. She graduated MIT with Master's from Sloan School of Management (thesis title: Can't You Take A Joke? A Study of Sexual Harassment Among Peers.) Preferring the security of the arts, she left her career w/ the Federal Reserve Bank to become a comedian.

Fred Blanco's Stories of Cesar Chavez
This one man theatrical presentation depicts the life and times of Cesar E. Chavez, one of the most inspirational and influential civil rights leaders of our time. The play offers a compelling look at the man and his struggle for equality through the eight various characters brought to life on stage.

Vicki Juditz (think Sarah Vowell!) hilarious, hard-hitting new show on Going Green!
"a born storyteller... what sets her writing, and her performance, apart is her sense of humor, and an eye for the incongruous and ridiculous." L.A. Times * Frequently compared to Sarah Vowell and David Sedaris, Juditz is an Ovation Award winner (LA's Tony equivalent). "Juditz employs empathy and a self-deprecating humor that lay bare the foibles and tragedy of the human condition, causing us to reflect on our own moral choices." LA Weekly * New works feature hilarious and poignant pieces on "going green" and gun control.

Stephanie Satie's Coming to America; Refugees
"an intimate, affecting solo meditation on political and cultural persecution." Los Angeles Times "Coming to America" presents a portrait gallery of 8 women whose lives have been transformed first, by extraordinary events in their country of birth, and then by their response to America. This piece includes women from Afghanistan, Iraq, Armenia, Cambodia, El Salvador, India, Iran, Russia and the former Yugoslavia.

ParlorPalooza. Steinway Hall, Fields Pianos 12121 W. Pico Bl. (1 door w. of Bundy, Level P2). Park free! RSVP to Jeannine Frank, (310) 476-6735 or

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