Wednesday, August 5, 2009

TECH TOOL TIP: Lets You Blog Via Email & Post to Multiple Sites At Once

by Don Rose

My favorite new tech tool is the service provided by POSTEROUS - and it could be the simplest/easiest blogging system yet devised. Want to update your Posterous blog? Just send an email, containing whatever you want to post, to and bam -- that email is (almost) instantly posted on your blog (located at The email subject becomes the blog post subject; the text in the email becomes the post text.

But it gets better: you can set up your Posterous blog so that you automatically post that same email to your other sites at once -- like Twitter, Blogger, etc (dozens of choices available). Write once, post many.

Or, you always have to option to target specific sites by adjusting the email address you send to (for example, sending email to posts just to your Twitter page).

And yes, you can post to your P-blog from your mobile phone via SMS. Plus, according to their website, "Posterous does more! Custom domains. Bookmarklet. Group blogs. Private blogs. Video. Audio. Photo galleries. Instant iTunes Podcasts."

And no, I didn't get paid to say all of these nice things. That would be... preposterous.

Simple, easy to use, easy to understand, fast, free. Could be the next big thing in blogging.

Posted via email from thelareport's posterous

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