Monday, October 12, 2009

Are you seeing RED yet? See it at REDucation Community Day

Posted by Don Rose

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REDucation COMMUNITY DAY on October 15th in Los Angeles

Bookending REDucation's RED Tech and RED Post workshops is RED Community Day, an event for everything and everyone RED. A key part of education is interfacing with others in the industry to learn real world practices and methodology. Community Day is a major component to REDucation, and makes the learning experience available to everyone for the day.

RegisterOctober 15, 2009 | LA Center Studios | Los Angeles | 1:00PM-8:00PM
Pre-registration is $20 and includes lunch - $30 at the door.

More Information about Community Day

Community DayMingle with guest speakers from the industry, technology sponsors, instructors, and students. See case studies and screenings, and check out new RED Tech and RED Post solutions. Participate in workflow presentations from many of the industry's major color and data management companies.
36 sponsor booths, 6 thirty-minute presentations, 1 cinematographer panel, lunch, and an opportunity to network with hundreds of RED users.
REDucation is the only RED-approved and RED-sanctioned educational program for learning the RED camera, RED workflow, RED data management, and RED post production techniques.
Adobe Systems Inc
AJA Video Systems, Inc
Alternative Rentals
Automatic Duck
Back Focus Productions
Birns & Sawyer
Bogen Imaging
BOXX Technologies
Camera Dynamics
Da Vinci Systems
Digital Vision
DIT Station
DVS Digital Video, Inc
Eizo Nanao
H2O Photo Pros
IDX System Technology, Inc.
JMR Electronics
Keslow Camera
Key Code Media
0AMaxx Digital
Media Distributors
MTI Film
R3D Data
Redrock Micro
Rosco USA
Schneider Optics
Silverado Systems
Sony Creative Software

RED TechUpcoming REDucation Workshop Dates
Currently, REDucation offers two separate trainings, 3 days of RED Tech or 3 days RED Post, or a complete 7 day training package including Community Day:
October 12 - 18, 2009 - Los Angeles, CA - Register Now
November 9 - 15, 2009 - Los Angeles, CA - Register Now
December 4 - 10, 2009 - Los Angeles, CA - Register Now
This three day, fully hands-on train ing is designed for learning on set practices with RED. Crafted for the Camera Assistants, DIT, Data Wrangler Roles and DP's that want to learn more about the art and science of RAW digital cinematography as it applies to their craft with a focus on the technical support roles that allow the DP to do his best work.
Three days of in-depth post training with RED technology. This training is designed for professionals working with Red in post production.
You will learn the tools and practices from those working in Post Production on RED projects on a regular basis. File prep for dallies and editorial, color grading and finishing on multiple platforms will be explored and recommended practices will be taught in a fully hands on, "Learn with the tools" concept. The RED post classes will be taught in the real world environments where RED post production moves through all the stages of prepping files for post, editing, color grading and finishing.
In creating REDucation, RED gathered industry leaders to participate in designing the training.   Alternative Rentals, Createasphere, FotoKem, Keslow Camera, Michael A. Cioni, and PlasterCITY Digital Post are all part of the founders20of REDucation. 
HD EXPO - Createasphere Los Angeles

createasphere2009 will be a year of transformation as HD EXPO enters the Createasphere. As the global content creation community continues to reinvent the way we work, HD EXPO will expand from a trade show supporting the adoption of a single technology to an organization that supports the broader needs and interests of the content creation world. Read more
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