Friday, October 5, 2007


From The LA Report's favorite daily email geared towards men, THRILLIST Los Angeles:

"If you're gonna muster the courage to lay your middling vocal chops on the line, you need to be backed by your lifelong idols instead of a lightly rocking machine. Starting Monday, you're in luck: Coreyoke. Coreyoke is live band karaoke with an inspiring/horrifying twist: its three members ape the stylings of the three most famous Coreys in history: Feldman, Haim, and Hart (sorry, former New England Patriot Corey Dillon). Fittingly, the song sheet's almost strictly 80's, the main exception being Smashmouth's "Allstar", played for the wholly insufficient reason that "people like it". Unlike most live band setups, you'll still have the standard TV-with-lyrics to guide you -- amateurish, but no more so than two grown men dressing like the costars of License to Drive. Interestingly, bassist Dean Cameron was an '80s mainstay himself, starring as "Dave Marshak" in Ski School and "Chainsaw" in Summer School -- roles so beloved, they're certain to inspire a Cameron/Stockwell/Richard D. Anderson backing band, and institute Deaneoke. Check out the partial songlist at"

Coreyoke, Mondays till Nov. 5, 2007 at Happy Ending: 7038 Sunset, Hollywood; 323.469.7038.

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