Friday, October 12, 2007


(October 11, 2007: Santa Monica, CA) Event Report by Don Rose

One of Bergamot Station's most trafficked galleries is Track 16, and owner Robert Berman often allows this space to be used for worthy charitable causes. Tonight was no exception, as Berman served as host (and lively auctioneer!) at a benefit for the organization "For The Arts," whose mission is to raise much-needed money to keep arts programs alive in our public schools. Studies show a link between early arts exposure and enhanced brain development, so cutting arts classes for kids can end up robbing them of the chance to bring their potential skills (in art as well as science) to their fullest fruition.

The event featured a large silent auction, with many excellent art works available at starting bids ranging from $150 on up to the thousands (for a list of participating artists, click here). Some examples: Robbie Conal's famous Gandhi piece, an abstract work by Lita Albuquerque, and a photo by David Hume Kennerly capturing what may be the only instance where five living Presidents occupied the same space (Bush (Senior), Reagan, Carter, Ford and Nixon at the dedication of the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California). While attendees viewed all the stellar pieces, they also enjoyed gourmet passed appetizers as well as wine and Ginger Margueritas (courtesy Elixir G). Then came the climax of the soiree - the live auction - which raised thousands thanks to many guests' generous "bids for the kids."

For more information on For The Arts, please visit, and keep an eye on their future events, which include concerts that have attracted many wonderful performers in the past, from Jackson Browne and David Crosby to local perennial favorite Venice.

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