Friday, February 29, 2008


On Leap Day 2008, "Stars Aligned" Event Merged Fashion, Music and Art at the Avalon in Hollywood; Eclectic Audience Included Star of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and Hundreds of Other Partiers for a Cause

by Don Rose

Project Ethos transformed the Avalon nightclub into a creative haven featuring a range of young, up and coming talent, and drew a packed house for the six hour event, which is now an annual tradition. Here are some of the event highlights:

Music - A range of mystical notes filled the Avalon Main Theatre space with melodic acts featuring Tyrone Wells, Meiko and Amber Rubarth. Tyrone was especially popular, it seemed; loved his medley of a range of hits that crossed many musical styles (and, come to think of it, who does medleys anymore? we miss 'em). Guests also imbibed cocktails at three full bars.

Fashion - The big fashion finale of the night started about 2 hours late, but that seems to be a standard thing with fashion shows, since their start times in LA seem to always run at least an hour behind (like clockwork, if you pardon the irony). I guess it is more dramatic that way, and when tonight's show finally began it was certainly worth the wait. A very sexy bellydancer came out first and gyrated seductively with others on stage behind her (see, I was so distracted I forget what the others were doing), followed by around 50+ celestial bodies covered in the divine creations of 8 excellent fashion designers. The nebula of fabrics, fashion and design were a fitting capper to the night's entertainment in the Main Theatre.

During the fashion show was when I spotted none other than Larry David, "Seinfeld" co-creator and star of HBO's hilarious "Curb Your Enthusiasm" - one of The LA Report's all time favorite TV programs. Although we can't confirm, from our vantage point it seemed Larry was on a date with an attractive young babe (as any single mensch worth hundreds of millions of dollars should be). Since the Avalon is a haven for young babes, and Larry is known to support worthy causes (which Project Ethos is), coming to this event was a perfect choice.

Art - We also enjoyed visiting the upper level (Spider Club) to see works by around a dozen artists, who created a wonderful array of color, imagery and form that stimulated all who came by. Very talented group indeed. The LA Report especially liked the color caricature of Prince Charles (granted, his facial features make him perhaps the easiest monarch ever to poke visual fun of), and the image of a reclining (or was it dying?) blue elephant on an American flag ("GOP RIP" might have been an apropos title).

Finally, there was the excellent Directors After Party at around 1am, where Project Ethos founders Heidi and Jason partied with VIP guests, press, designers, and other creative stars of the evening. This exclusive party featured DJ Johny Luv (, free readings (from a seer of the future seated at a corner table), and delicious passed appetizers from Convivial Catering (our faves being the eel and avocado bites, Kobe burger sliders, tomato-and-cheese slices, and eggrolls). This after party was located inside Honey, the late night bistro that serves as an intimate "club within a club" for the Avalon.

All in all, The LA Report most enjoyed this Stars Aligned event. Since it is an annual affair, we recommend you attend next year. Keep it tuned here at The LA Report for future details. Special thanks to Jason at Project Ethos for his assistance.

For media who want more info on Project Ethos, please contact All other inquiries: contact The LA Report recommends this annual event for next year, due to its multi-fun creativity and eclectic performance lineup.


  1. Feeling lazy when you wrote this? You totally forgot to mention the designers.

  2. I agree with the forgetting of the designers. I would sure love to know who did the show with the GO-GO Dancers. That line stood out and was my favorite. I want to know where to get those clothes.

  3. f you want any information on ANY of the participants that were involved in project ethos please contact
    she is the director of client relations and will have that information for you.

    By the way, the line with the go go dancers was called Celebrity Star Fashion... and The designer's name is Bridget.

    Contact Talena for more information


  4. I'm still wondering who the designers were. What lazy reporting. They give the board the info to find it ourselves. Ha ha. Imagine if you were watching the news and they said," Two men shot in a bankrobbery in a city, if you want to know which city, please email"...This is a totally lame site. It is what you call "toy".

  5. Forgetting the designers names isn't a cool move. Without them, would there even be a show? I think they all did an amazing job! Kudos to all of them.....(sorry, but I didn't put then in exit order)

    Alexander Acosta - "Crash Culture introducing taBu"
    Bridget Thomsen - "Celebrity Star Fashion"
    Isabelle Lenton - "Golly Gee Clothing"
    Lillian Love Dennis - "Heavinz"
    Michael Ly | Neal Hustle - "LL Clothing"
    Sara Goldfine - "SBG Designs"
    Taviah Bailey - "TAVI ADINASI"
    Tim Foster - "Pennyroyal Silver"

    I am going to have to say that I was kind of disappointed with Project Ethos for two reasons. First, why on earth would you be sooo late with the fashion show in th first place? I was standing there in 4 inch heels for way to long!!!! As a buyer, I have to things to do the following day!

    Second, I really wished that pics of the featured designers lines were up on the Project Ethos website. They worked so long and hard in such a short time, they deserve at least that.

  6. The lateness of the fashion show was mainly due to the length of time the musicians took. Which is fine. I apologize for your wait, but you should know that nothing in the fashion world ever starts exactly on time.

    You must realize that we DO put the designers photos on the website, just as soon as we receive them from the photographers. There are thousands of photos to be collected from the beginning of the day to the end of the after party. We not only provide our participants with pictures on the website, but with a DVD comprised of their entire show from start to finish, including their graphics. This DVD is very high quality, and takes time to edit. So, until you know for sure exactly what our participants receive, please do not criticize. We are only so many people on the Ethos team, and can only get things done so fast.
    However, thank you for attending the show...and we hope that you won't let the wait keep you from our next show.


  7. Most of the designers have their pictures. I had to go to them to get them myself.

    I agree with you, Anonymous!

  8. It was a good show, but I agree. It did take too long for the show to start. Some of the people I was standing next to were beginning to get restless and a little rawdy. This one buyer from Barney's left because of the wait. Angela, I think it's just something to learn from for thenext show, that's all we are saying. We all appreciate all of your hard work.

  9. If you guys liked the first line on the runway (SBG Designs) I just found out that they are giving a discount on their website for ethos!!!! their site is and if you enter "ethos" at checkout, you can get save 30% off your purchase!!!!!!

  10. The "others" referred to in the article are dancers from Groovaholix Dance Company.

    Overall fun event as usual. Great energy.

    Must say the review is poorly written, not just lacking in specifics but word choice and flow as well.

    Thanks to all who came out.
