Monday, March 10, 2008


All-Star Birthday Celebration for Hot Los Angeles Artist Maltzman Brings Out Stars, Media, VIPs, and Musical Talent Galore

Event Report by Don Rose

(March 8, 2008 - Culver City, CA) On the eve of LA Fashion Week, Daniel Maltzman Studio was the setting for a wonderful birthday party thrown by star artist Daniel Maltzman. An excellent all-star band (featuring Matthew Moon and members of the Gin Blossoms) serenaded the celeb-filled party, which featured a fun atmosphere, a festive feast of food, free-flowing libations (Izze and Monster drinks being faves of The LA Report) and a wine bar. Not only is Daniel a fantastic artist (his celeb portraits and red bull paintings seemed to be guests' favorites), but he is very gracious and warm. His parties are always high-energy affairs filled with interesting people from a cross section of creative disciplines, and tonight was no exception.

Celebs in attendance during the packed four hour bash included, of course, birthday boy Daniel Maltzman, plus actor Armand Assante, the Gin Blossoms' Scott Kusmirek, recording artist Matthew Moon, H&G Network host Jennifer Convy, Malcolm Danare ("CSI Miami"), Nickolai Stoilov ("Lana's Rain"), Olga Rosin ("Fros/Nixon"), filmmaker Pac Arias (director of the film "P3RSONA"), rapper DJ Verrett, plus dozens of Hollywood's movers and shakers including publicists Monique Moss and Charles Sherman, manager Larry Hummel, entreprenuer David Canter, and author/GOGI coach Mara Leigh Taylor. The LA Report also enjoyed talking with the founder of Runway Magazine (, a cool new online beauty directory that we recommend you check out, just in time for LA Fashion Week.

Maltzman, a mid-career artist who was born and raised in Beverly Hills, is known for celebrating the fashionista lifestyle in much of his work. His celebrity series of images can be found at various hotels and restaurants throughout Los Angeles, as well as on his website ; they are collected by a “Who’s Who” of entertainment industry notables. The party this evening afforded guests an inside look at the premises of the artist’s working studio in the heart of Culver City -- directly across from the heart of LA Fashion Week, Smashbox Studios.

Special thanks to Daniel's press representative, Monique Moss, for her assistance.

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