Thursday, March 20, 2008


Do you want to spend Saturday night at a fun art party, downtown, at a place called Unitard? Then this is it! Their CLOSING RECEPTION will be this Saturday night, MARCH 22. Their email says:

I know that it was a little too moist outside for some of you folks to make it inside for the Marquee For Me opening back in February, but the forecast is clear for this Saturday March 22nd, which funnily enough, is the closing date for this wonderful show. If you guys didn't make it, you probably should try and swing by, it has been a fun one, and we even got some new games for the arcade portion of the show. There are even still some choice light boxes left for sale, some of which puzzle me that they didn't go in the first round. If all of this seems a little strange, don't worry; I've included the original write-up for this guy.
Hope to see you all Saturday, Sven

Here're the details:

Yes, this is it! Over a year of pestering, help with shows and countless notes dropped off when I'm not here later; Cocaine Mule and Unitard unite. The glorious cause for celebration resided deep within the vaults of The Vintage Arcade Superstore. After a few visits and several hours of dirtying our fingers in the shelves, comrades Trevor and Tyler from the Mule and myself unearthed what we found to be some of the most outrageously exquisite classic video game marquees that you've never seen. Why? Well, they're classic examples of what design used to be. So, each will be presented in lovely light boxes, constructed by the same hands that dug them out of obscurity; and you can even take them home and bask under the warmth of eighties design each and every night. For the most part the titles featured in the show are forgotten relics, but there may be a game or two we've singled out that may ring a bell. However, the only bell that'll be is the tenth round bell right before on of these incredible marquees delivers a knock-out combo of nostalgia and flawless design to knock you on your keester.

Sound intriguing? Well…

That's not all! Of course, some weird video games, which you may or may not remember, will be primed and ready for play, again, courtesy of the Vintage Arcade Superstore. Anything else? You'd better believe it! Some kind of giant light cube peppered with classic arcade titles is providing illumination for the show; the walls are being painted black and Cocaine Mule Bags aplenty will dangle from any and everything worth dangling from. Oh yeah, need I mention refreshments? This sounds like a dream… Classic design, video games, practical satchels and booze to boot!?! You'd better not miss it. I hope to see you there.
Thanks, Sven, Trevor and Tyler

What: Closing Reception for: Marquee for Me a look back at the arcade's golden years. When: Saturday, March 22nd, 2008 8pm – 12am. Where: Unitard 706 E 1st St LA, CA 90012 ; 213.926.5034 ;

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