Sunday, September 6, 2009

SEP 7: 2009 Expo Screenplay Competition Deadline; OCT 15-18: 2009 SCREENWRITING EXPO

Posted by Don Rose

So, creative people: LIKE WRITING ON DEADLINE? Or, do you have a stellar script
you just finished and are looking for someplace to submit it to? Well, I have good news!
You have just over a day remaining to make the 2009 Expo Screenplay Competition deadline.
All the details follow below...

Over $100,000 In Cash and Prizes!

Take the last day and a half to work on your screenplay and make sure its finished by Sep. 7 so you can be in the running for the $20,000 grand prize!

To enter the contest or to learn more, go to this web page:

The 2009 Screenwriting Expo Screenplay Competition grants you access like no other, with the winning scripts sent to over 300 production companies, agencies, and management companies!

In addition, the winner will not only receive the $20,000 cash, but also a host of other prizes, one of which features a PR campaign built around the winner and your script.

Enter now to beat the regular deadline and save money on your entry fee!

To enter the contest or to learn more, go to this web page:

The prize list includes:

Grand Prize: $20,000 In Cash Plus Extras   

  • $20,000 cash
  • Coverage, Ink Prize:  A  "JC Analysis" by Creative Screenwriting columnist and Coverage, Ink founder Jim Cirile will read and dissect your screenplay in an amazingly detailed way. You'll receive a 14-20 page analysis and a marked-up/edited copy of the screenplay to ensure that your script is ready to rock. CI prides itself on the best quality analysis at the lowest prices. Our readers know their stuff, and more importantly, know how to convey the feedback to you in an empowering, not condescending, way. Visit to learn about us and our philosophy.  Value: $400.
  • Script P.I.M.P. Writers Database: a one-year membership worth $100
  • Media campaign:campaign includes a Creative Screenwriting Magazine article, a press release to help promote your win to industry professionals and media outlets, email blast to the Creative Screenwriting promotional list, and a searchable, multiple-year listing as the 2009 winner at the web site ($4,000 estimated promotional value)
  • Direct Industry Exposure: Winning script sent to over 300 agents, managers, and development executives who have requested it. $3,000 in estimated marketing and promotional value. 
  • Direct Industry Exposure At Expo Pitchfest: The 2009 winners and runnersup will be announced and awards bestowed on the first evening of the Screenwriting Expo.  Then, the winners can then pitch their scripts to production companies, agents, and managers at the Golden Pitch Fest.  We believe that the timing of this announcement -- just as we are gathering agents and managers for the Golden Pitch -- is such an unparalleled opportunity that it is impossible to put a value it.  For purposes of offering a dollar value, we'll state -- conservatively, we believe -- that this is a $3,000 worth of targeted publicity value to the Grand Prize winner, $1,000 in value to the Genre and Suzanne's Prize winners, and $200 in value to each named runnerup.
  • Travel Expenses To 2009 Expo:  Coach advance-purchase air fare (maximum $300) and up to three nights' single room at an Expo participating hotel to attend The 2009 Screenwriting Expo.  (No substitutions.  For example, winner would not be paid cash in lieu of these travel expenses, nor reimbursed for the cost of a stay at a hotel other than Expo hotel, nor allowed to substitute a future year. Prize void if not used in 2009.) Value: up to $753.
  • Expo Gold Pass: Free 2009 Screenwriting Expo Gold Pass (or reimbursement--$300 value; no substitutions)
  • Five 2009 Golden Pitch Festival tickets or refunds if already purchased.  $100 value; no substitutions).
  • Screenwriting School In A Box: A full set of all 60 Creative Screenwriting DVDs ($718 value)
  • Subscription: Free one-year subscription to Creative Screenwriting Magazine ($30 value)
  • The Hollywood Standard, published by Michael Wiese Productions, is the authoritative work on screenplay formatting in Hollwyood.  Michael Wiese Productions is the number one publisher of books for screenwriters and indie filmmakers
    in the world. Please click on for a free catalog and more information.  Value $20 plus author's signature.
  • Additional prizes: more prizes may be added as sponsors sign up.
Suzanne's Prize For Best Love Story: $2,000 Cash Plus Other Prizes Worth Estimated $4,168  
  • $2,000 in cash
  • Dramatica Pro, storytelling software from Write Bros., a $270 value
  • Expo pass: A free basic pass to the 2009 Screenwriting Expo, a $100 value
  • Two 2009 Golden Pitch Tickets to pitch your winning script to producers, a $50 value
  • Direct Industry Exposure At Expo Pitchfest: The 2009 winners and runnersup will be announced and awards bestowed on the first evening of the Screenwriting Expo.  Then, the winners can then pitch their scripts to production companies, agents, and managers at the Golden Pitch Fest.  We believe that the timing of this announcement -- just as we are gathering agents and managers for the Golden Pitch -- is such an unparalleled opportunity that it is impossible to put a value it.  For purposes of offering a dollar value, we'll state -- conservatively, we believe -- that this is a $3,000 worth of targeted publicity value to the Grand Prize winner, $1,000 in value to the Genre and Suzanne's Prize winners, and $200 in value to each named runnerup.
  • 60 Screenwriting DVDs: A free "Screenwriting School In A Box," the set of all 6 Creative Screenwriting DVDs on the business and craft of screenwriting, a $718 value.
  • Subscription: A free subscription to Creative Screenwriting Magazine, a $30 value
  • Direct Industry Access: The winning script, synopsis, and logline will be sent to 300+ producers, agents, and managers who have asked to see all the 2009 prize winners. Estimated promotional value: $2,000
  • The Hollywood Standard, published by Michael Wiese Productions, is the authoritative work on screenplay formatting in Hollwyood.  Michael Wiese Productions is the number one publisher of books for screenwriters and indie filmmakers
    in the world. Please click on for a free catalog and more information.  Value $20 plus author's signature.

Each Genre Category Prize Winner Receives $2,500 Plus Extras:
  • $2,500 in cash
  • Script Department Basic Coverage: industry-standard basic coverage from Julie Gray's  Value:$150.
  • Media campaign:campaign includes a CS Weekly E-Zine article, press release to help promote your win to industry professionals and media outlets, email blast to the Creative Screenwriting promotional list, and a searchable, multiple-year listing as a 2009 genre winner at the web site ($2,000 value to each Genre Prize winner)
  • Direct Industry Access: Winning script, synopsis, and logline sent to over 300 agents, managers, and development executives who have requested it. $2,000 in estimated promotional value to each Genre Prize winner. 
  • Direct Industry Exposure At Expo Pitchfest: The 2009 winners and runnersup will be announced and awards bestowed on the first evening of the Screenwriting Expo.  Then, the winners can then pitch their scripts to production companies, agents, and managers at the Golden Pitch Fest.  We believe that the timing of this announcement -- just as we are gathering agents and managers for the Golden Pitch -- is such an unparalleled opportunity that it is impossible to put a value it.  For purposes of offering a dollar value, we'll state -- conservatively, we believe -- that this is a $3,000 worth of targeted publicity value to the Grand Prize winner, $1,000 in value to the Genre and Suzanne's Prize winners, and $200 in value to each named runnerup. 
  • Travel Expenses To 2009 Expo:  Coach advance-purchase air fare (maximum $300) and up to three nights' single room at an Expo participating hotel to attend The 2009 Screenwriting Expo.  (No substitutions.  For example, winner would not be paid cash in lieu of these travel expenses, nor reimbursed for the cost of a stay at a hotel other than Expo hotel, nor allowed to substitute a future year. Prize void if not used in 2009.) Value: up to $753 per winner.
  • Expo Basic Pass: Free 2009 Screenwriting Expo Basic Pass (or reimbursement--$100 value per winner; no substitutions)
  • Two 2009 Golden Pitch Festival Tickets  (or refund if already purchased; $50 value; no substitutions).
  • Screenwriting School In A Box: A full set of all 60 Creative Screenwriting DVDs ($718 value)
  • Subscription: Free one-year subscription to Creative Screenwriting Magazine ($30 value) 
  • The Hollywood Standard, published by Michael Wiese Productions, is the authoritative work on screenplay formatting in Hollwyood.  Michael Wiese Productions is the number one publisher of books for screenwriters and indie filmmakers
    in the world. Please click on for a free catalog and more information.  Value $20 plus author's signature.
  • Additional prizes: more prizes may be added as sponsors sign up.

Two $1,000 Cash Television Script Prizes

Prizes of $1,000 each will be offered for the best hour-long and best half-hour television scripts. Writers will also be given access to television agents and managers.

Each Of Four Grand Prize Runnersup Receives $250 Cash Plus Prizes Worth Estimated $2,155+
  • Media campaign:campaign includes a CS Weekly E-Zine article, press release to help promote your win to industry professionals and media outlets, email blast to the Creative Screenwriting promotional list, and a searchable, multiple-year listing as a 2009 Grand Prize runnerup at the web site (estimated $1,000 value to each runnerup)
  • Direct Industry Access: Script, synopsis, and logline sent to over 300 agents, managers, and development executives who have requested it. Estimated promotional value: $1,000 for each runnerup.
  • Expo Basic Pass: Free Basic Pass to the 2009 Expo (or reimbursement--$100 value per winner; no substitutions)
  • One Free Golden Pitch Ticket (or refund if already purchased; $25 value; no substitutions).
  • Creative Screenwriting Magazine subscription:  one-year subscription or renewal; $30 value.
Nine Top Grand Prize Runnersup Receive Prizes Worth $900
  • Script P.I.M.P. Writers Database: each of the nine top runnersup, in addition to the Grand Prize Winner, receive  one-year memberships worth $100.
Top 20 Semifinalists Receive Non-Cash Prizes Worth Estimated $420 Each, Total $8,400:
  • Media campaign: campaign includes a CS Weekly E-Zine article, press release to help promote your win to industry professionals and media outlets, email blast to the Creative Screenwriting promotional list, and a searchable, multiple-year listing as a 2009 semifinalist at the web site (estimated $250 value to each runnerup)
  • Direct Industry Access: Synopsis and logline sent to over 300 agents, managers, and development executives who have requested it. Estimated promotional value: $250 for each semifinalist.
  • $20 Coupon For 2009 Screenwriting Expo:  Each semifinalist who is not a winner of a prize above will be able to use a coupon worth $20 toward registration, seminars, or an evening reception (or a $20 refund if you have purchased already). No substitute prize offered.  Must be used for the Expo.  
All Entrants Will Receive Non-Cash Prizes Worth $3 Each, Estimated Total $6,900:
  • $3 discount coupons toward the purchase of subscriptions to Creative Screenwriting Magazine.  
Special Prizes From Sponsors

Four Winners Will Receive Gorilla Standard From Jungle Software
  (Value: $300 each)

What is Gorilla...?  It's professional software to control production of your own movie.

Producing a movie doesn't have to be difficult. With Gorilla, all of your information can be stored in one place: Budgeting, Scheduling, Crew, Cast, Profit-sharing, Editing Notes, and even Film Festival Submissions.   When it's time to create reports, Gorilla can generate over 80 industry-standard reports, from stripboards to breakdown sheets, budget top sheets to variances, your entire production can be run from one program. View a complete list of Gorilla's reports.  For a list of the features in Gorilla, go to this page:

Also, Jungle Software is about to release its latest software package, Story O, "designed by writers for writers."  We'll keep you updated on the release of Story O.

Coverage, Ink. Script Coverage

Coverage Ink will offer a CI Pro analysis and script mark up, editing and comprehensive work-through of your script from one of its most senior story analysts ($400 value).  For full details, go to this web page and scroll down to "Jim Cirile Coverage":

Script P.I.M.P. Database Memberships
Ten finalists will receive  Script P.I.M.P. (Pipeline Into Motion Pictures) Database Prizes, $100 Each.  With over 1,000 listings, the Writers Database puts the film industry at your fingertips. Find information about agencies, managers, producers, and production companies--what they are looking for and how to contact them. Updated regularly, the Database includes a powerful search engine that can be tailored to your specific needs. No matter where you live, Script Pimp's Database connects you to Hollywood and beyond. Writers Database members also receive discounts on Workshop notes and the ability to E-mail film and writing-related questions to Script Pimp, including questions on screenplay formatting, style, technical concerns, how the industry works, from development to distribution, as well as any other inquiries in need of clarification. Think of it as an alternative to film classes, where writers can get a crash course on the ins-and-outs of the industry.

The Script Department Prizes

The four Genre Prize winners will receive free script coverage  from The Script Department worth $150 each.  

Plus:The Access Prizes -- Possibly The Most Valuable

In addition to third-party services, the Creative Screenwriting-sponsored competition provides winners with multiple routes of access to producers and agents.  "We put winners' scripts and finalists' synopses before the eyes of 300+ production companies and agents.  In addition, top prize winners get free tickets to pitch their scripts to producers and agents at the annual Screenwriting Expo," said Creative Screenwriting Publisher Bill Donovan.   

For details on the full set of Access Prizes, see this web page:

To enter the contest or to learn more, go to this web page:

To learn about or to register for the Screenwriting Expo, click below:

Posted via email from thelareport's posterous

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