Tuesday, September 8, 2009

SEP 9: Peanut Butter Wolf - Venice Warehouse Party 9/9/9

The finale for Peanut Butter Wolf’s 9/9/9 tour is this Wednesday with a 90’s warehouse party in Venice at The Yard (715 Hampton) featuring ARABIAN PRINCE, DAM-FUNK, JROCC, RHETTMATIC, ROMES & MATHIEU SCHREYER plus "some serious special guests". The catered shindig starts at 9:09PM, cover charge is $9.99 and 90’s attire is HIGHLY encouraged. (Gift bags to those "best dressed" in 90's gear, they say. Only thing is: what the hell is 90's attire?) See invite below for more details.

Posted via email from thelareport's posterous

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