Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Message from the Mayor: Meet LAPD's New Chief

From: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa mayor@lacity.org 
Subject: Meet the Chief

To all Angelenos,

Today it was my distinct honor to nominate Deputy Chief Charlie Beck to be the next Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department. A 32-year veteran of the LAPD, Beck is a progressive police reformer who has served in almost every area of our vast and diverse City. He is tough when it comes to criminals, and progressive when it comes to policing.

He's a man who understands police work, police officers, and the honor that comes with the LAPD uniform. In fact, you could say law enforcement is in his genes.

His father was a Deputy Chief of the LAPD, his wife Cindy is a retired Sheriff's deputy, his sister is a retired LAPD detective, his daughter Brandi is a patrol officer in Hollywood, and next month his son Martin will graduate from the Police Academy. Charlie Beck's blood is LAPD blue.

And so today, we begin a new chapter in the story of reform at the LAPD.Under the leadership of Chief Beck, I'm confident the LAPD will continue the great progress of the last few years, and that Los Angeles will be the safest big city in America.

If you have any questions for Chief Beck, our new top cop wants to hear them. Use the form on this page and the Chief will be answering as many questions as he can. Please forward this site to your friends and family; the Chief wants to hear from all of Los Angeles.

Thank you,
Antonio Villaraigosa

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