Thursday, November 19, 2009

NOV 19: Freedom and Fashion Designer Showcase & Trade Show Features Fair-Trade Clothing

Unique event, free and open to the public, raises awareness about fair-trade style during show on UCLA campus

Freedom and Fashion will hold its inaugural Freedom and Fashion Designer Showcase and Trade Show on November 19th 2009 at UCLA’s Ackerman Grand Ballroom. Freedom and Fashion brings awareness to the social injustices of modern-day slavery, sex trafficking, child labor, and human rights violations through the vehicle of a fashion show. Freedom and Fashion supports non-profit organizations by giving them exposure through the runway showcase, Freedom and Fashion magazine catalogue and biographical short films, as well as the opportunity to sell and market their products at FnF events. Freedom and Fashion events feature non-profit organizations and fair-trade clothing companies. Current partners include: Not For Sale, Nightlight and Kauzbots. “Seeing little children exploited for the sake of making money, and in the name of ‘style,’ was horrendous to me. I had to act!” States Freedom and Fashion’s President, B. Kim, “Freedom and Fashion is a way for me to put my resources and talents to use for positive change.” The vision of this innovative fashion event is to increase the demand for socially responsible and ethically produced goods and ensure they are readily available to consumers. The Freedom and Fashion event will draw the social injustices of the fashion industry from the background of consumer awareness to the foreground, and transforms shoppers into conscious consumers with a concrete “call to action” resulting in the ultimate goal of empowering guests with understanding that their own purchasing power can be used for greater purposes.

Freedom and Fashion welcomes all members of the community to attend.
Doors open at 6pm, fashion show at 7pm, trade show 8-10pm. 
Location: UCLA Ackerman Grand Ballroom.

For more information visit www. or FNFDONOR.EVENTBRITE.COM

What is Freedom And Fashion?

Too often, fashion shows focus on the art of fashion design without deeper, substantial understanding of the impact the art form may or may not have on society. On one side of the fashion industry is art and culture, wealth and privilege, style and grace — society’s representation of what it means to be beautiful. The flip side, however — the hidden side of the fashion industry— is the exploitation of factory workers, cotton harvesters, and enslaved children. Freedom and Fashion (FnF) seeks to reconcile this through our Freedom and Fashion Designer Showcase and Trade Show. All merchandise featured and sold at, or promoted through FnF events are from non-profit organizations and companies that practice fair trade and/or provide critical job sustainability in various areas of the world. FnF draws the social injustices of the fashion industry from the background of consumer awareness to the foreground, and transforms shoppers into conscious consumers with our call to action!


Victoria Young
Freedom and Fashion
Senior Manager of Media Relations and Marketing
(626) 703-8812

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