Thursday, June 25, 2009


We at The LA Report like to feature fun, well-written, captivating blogs now and then. Now, then, is one of those times, as we recommend you check out the blog of director Tom DiCillo, whose latest film is a wonderful new documentary about The Doors ("When You're Strange"). Here is a brief blog excerpt, a glimpse into one day at Sundance with Tom and the Doors:

1. 17.09.
10 am.
Park City, Utah.
I do the morning press with Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger; I’ll be with John Densmore in the afternoon. The first interview goes well. Ray is hyper but eloquent. Robby is quiet, slipping in brief comments that send out ripples of meaning. Both are highly complimentary about the film. It suddenly penetrates my jetlag that I’m actually sitting with 2 members of The Doors talking about a film I made about their lives.

At the next interview I notice a small keyboard set up across the room. I nudge Ray with a wink. “Why don’t you play something?” “Yeah,” he laughs, ”you know how many times I’ve heard that in my life?”

I leave the room for a moment. Someone starts playing the piano intro to “Riders On the Storm.” I turn and see it’s Ray. Robby is standing beside him strapping on an electric guitar. He checks his volume, then slips into the music. Around the room people’s jaws are dropping. As the song builds Ray’s eyes close, his head goes back. Robby studies his fretboard, a faint smile touching his lips. At that moment they both look 20 years old.

4 pm.

In the middle of an interview with Densmore. He’s sharp and gracious. He’s also the only thing keeping me awake. About 25 other interviews are taking place in the room around us. The jabber is deafening. John gives Oliver Stone some professional respect but then, when asked about Jim his voice takes on a deep, quiet reverence and I see Morrison suddenly come alive in his eyes.

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