Thursday, June 18, 2009


by Don Rose

The highly anticipated red carpet premiere of the worldwide DVD release of “Beyond the Secret" is coming to Hollywood on June 18th. The stars of the film, who will be attending the premiere along with several of the celebs they advise, include Bob Proctor (“The Secret”), Emmy award-winning motivational speaker Les Brown, CREATOR OF “BEYOND THE SECRET” HOLLI WALKER, Marcia Wieder (featured on "OPRAH" -- twice!), Paul Martinelli, Steve Siebold, Christian Simpson, Mary Morrissey, Mark Moffitt and Rickie Byars Beckwith.

Bob Proctor Les Brown

Beyond the Secret holds the tools to take the ideas taught in "The Secret" and put it into practice in everyday life. Fortunately, fans of "The Secret" will not have to wait long; the DVD for “Beyond the Secret” will be released June 23rd worldwide for all to enjoy, learn from and prosper from.

One of the main messages in both "The Secret" and its sequel is that the destination is never as important as the journey. This is sage advice that has stood the test of time, and has been a hallmark of many spiritual disciples. Another way of looking at it is that, while it is important to have goals to strive for, it is even more important to "Be Here Now" (as Ram Dass says), recognize the "Power of Now" (as Eckhart Tolle says), and enjoy the ride -- while learning along the way. Of course, there are many other secrets to be unlocked in the new DVD, which we can hopefully review here in a future piece.

One of the reasons we at The LA Report love "The Secret" is that it is about tapping into what is already inside of you and all around you in order to create a better and more fulfilling life. Hence, it can benefit every single person on the planet. And God knows our planet needs to get better aligned with peace and productive behavior right now, with all the myriad problems we face, so the worldwide release of "Beyond The Secret" cannot come a moment too soon.

The premiere event on June 18th will begin the process of getting the "Beyond The Secret" message out to the world, and it should be quite a stellar affair. The cast is a phenomenal group of inspirational speakers and teachers, and attendees will enjoy a Q&A with the cast, producers and director after the film screening. Since some of the cast members are personal advisors to (and/or friends of) well known celebrities, who are guided by what they have to say, several celebs are expected to attend the premiere.

Thank you to Lisa Jammal of LJam Public Relations for her assistance on this story. If you are with the media and have questions about "Beyond the Secret", you can contact Lisa at

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